陈友康 Chen You Kang (Ryan Chen)
Director, Screenwriter, Entrepreneur, Friend
Born August 29, 1987, Zhouning County, near Ningde, Fujian, China
Died July 27, 2020, Zhouning County, near Ningde, Fujian, China (age 33)
2012本科(文学学士): 上海戏剧学院-广播电视编导专业
Bachelor (2012) in Broadcast TV, Screenwriting & Directing from the Shanghai Theatre Academy
语言 Languages:中文 Mandarin、英文 Cantonese、广东话 English
Chen You Kang (Ryan Chen) 陈友康
DIRECTOR: “Mary Su meets Jack Su”
DIRECTOR: “Miyazo Love”
DIRECTOR/WRITER: “Three Grams of a Dream”
DIRECTOR: “Where is my Family?”
DIRECTOR: “Dong’s Photo Exhibition”
DIRECTOR/WRITER: “University Days”
for “Three Grams of a Dream”:
获第19届北京大学生电影节第13届大学生原创影片大赛剧情片“最佳导演”奖,电影频道爱电影栏目“爱拍电影”特别奖 WINNER: The 13th Original Film Competition “Best Director”, CCTV6 “ Love Film” Special Award, Beijing, China
凭借作品在奥斯卡颁奖圣地美国好莱坞TCL中国大剧院斩获“最佳公益电影奖” WINNER: TCL China Grand Theatre, Hollywood, USA “Best Public Welfare Film” Award
获台北国际短片电影节 第五届全球华人非常短片创意盛典“最佳新人奖” WINNER: Taipei International Short Film Festival, 5th Global Award “Best New Director” Award.
获第十届“半夏的纪念” 国际大学生影像展“最佳剧情作品”奖 WINNER: The 10th Vision Youth Awards “Best Fiction” Awards, Shanghai, China
第二届中国国际微电影节“最佳影片奖” WINNER: The 2nd China International Short Film Festival Golden wings “Best Film” Award
获2012中国体育微视频展播剧情片“金奖”,国家体育总局宣传司推荐作品 WINNER: The 2012 China Sports Video Festival Drama Film “Golden Award”, General Administration of Sport of China.
澳大利亚二零一三金考拉国际华语电影节 “评委会特别推荐奖” WINNER: 2013 Golden Koala Chinese Film Festival “Highly Commended”, Sydney, Australia
《三克的梦想》入围澳门国际电影节金莲花奖 FINALIST: 2012 The 4th Macau International Movie Festival “Golden Lotus” award
Ryan was a passionate human with undying loyalty and love of China, Ryan had a zest for life and discovery. Some of his favorites things included filming, babies, new Apple technologies, fruit & coconuts, TaoBao shopping, collecting airline/hotel points, drinking juices, swimming and travel.
陈友康导演以其对情感的独特体验和感受,以细腻的手法和角度去展现出人与人之间的微妙情感,感动众多观众,收获众多奖项的同时也获得广大观众的赞许和支持。 As a film director, Ryan’s unique use of his personal emotions, provided a subtlety between his actors combined with a delicate cinematographic technique, which moved audiences, gained many awards and won the approval and support of the ticket buyers.