The Admirable Crichton (Australia)
Produced, Directed and Designed an adaptation of J.M. Barries’s turn of the century comedy about division of social class structure, The Admirable Crichton at the Woodward Theatre, Brisbane, Australia from 11th to the 27th of April 1980 for Toby Simkin Pty Ltd. in association with the Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education.
Produced, Directed by Toby Simkin; Set & Costume Design: Toby Simkin; Lighting Design by Michael Burdon & Connor Fergusson; Sound Design by Stewart Driver; Technical Director: Peter Argent; Props by Sue Vaccaro; Stage Managed by Lucy A. Santori; Assistant Stage Managed by Peter Johnston and Promotions by David Silver (Valley Graphics).
Following the success of my production of The Long and the Short and the Tall, a deeper collaboration with the Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education, utilizing half students/half professionals.
STARRING Ian Johnstone (Crichton); Olivia Greenblatt (Lady Mary Lasenby); Melissa Richards (Tweeny); Veronica Bridgewater (Lady Agatha Lasenby); Sandra Horne (Lady Catherine Lasenby); Matthew Thallon (Reverend John Treherne); David Shiner (Lord Loam); Roger Holzman (The Hon. Ernest Woolley); Michael Horsey (Lord Brocklehurst); Susan Hyman (Fisher); Nicola Fader (Lady Brocklehurst); Jonathan Varney (Tompsett); Sue Vaccaro (Servant) and Peter Johnston (Servant);
The Admirable Crichton
The play opened in an opulent Mayfair London home, which evolves into a deserted island around 1900.